Those sports guys... I don't really understand them too much. The only time I could have been mistaken for a sports fan was when as a child I was into collecting baseball cards. Point of note here is I was into collecting cards depicting baseball players, I was not into collecting baseball cards of my favourite players. I didn't have any favourite players, unless of course you define favourite players as the people whose cards are up in the Beckett. I was in it for the money, to me baseball cards were kiddy currency. I could buy a few packs, score a decent rookie card and convince the kid down the block to trade me his latest Italian plumber video game adventure for it.
"We have quite a team this year, don't you think?", "My team" & other such armchair quarterback type dialog quite simply confuses me. I get the basics of the various "fanatic" driven sports, I just don't get what drives the fanaticism.
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