The following is the Beatles hit "Let It Be" covered by Nick Cave and then transcribed by Dragonspeak...
Find myself in time to juggling many young to me speaking my assemblies them in the name and that the key is standing night in fund may scheme my assemblies them and that it be in the head a MBA and headed a speaking my assemblies them that had been hammering the brokenhearted payphone living in downloading community and Delavan and set in a fee and they made a brokenhearted as a chance for abandoning scene in Delavan and then that the in that it a space and warrants of them that the and that a paying in that the day gain space in a answer was them and had been down and its clout a test that shines on many shining sale of mono and that the wake up to the sound uneasy among them many towns to me's 18 February to place an unleaded die and headed AAA and that it a's a King wrote soon and headed a and set a bad thing in that it a subpoena for some was them a